How Meany People are Allowed to Play Soccer?
Would you like to know how many people are allowed to play soccer? If so, I can give you some quick answers to how many people are allowed on the soccer field during a game. First of all, there are 11 players on each team, two teams to a game, so that makes 22 people on the soccer field at once. Soccer is an ancient sport that was supposedly created, and has been played ever since, 1004 BC. The game is played on a rectangular field, and the object of the game is to score points by placing the ball into the goals at the opposite ends of the soccer field. The only players on the soccer field that can use their hands are the goal keepers, who are situated in front of their teams' goals at opposite ends of the field.
Soccer is said to be the most popular sport in the world, and the official name of soccer is called association football. The most widely known world competition for soccer is the World Cup, and the rules or laws of the game have changed significantly since the creation of the game. Today, the European countries are very active in sponsoring professional soccer teams, and soccer, to the Europeans, is every bit as famous as football is to the United States.
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